I just returned from my first Japanese tour. Tokyo was a glorious revelation. These days I tour as much for the food experience as the music and I fell big time for Ramen and Izakaya.
I played four shows, two acoustic and two electric. The electric shows were done Chuck Berry style. The promoter provided a band of Japanese players to back me up and though we only had one rehearsal Touch, Sa Wa and Greg rose to the occasion playing with precision and energy. The audiences also made my job easier by singing along with every chorus. Japanese fans are known for their intense passion for rock and roll but I was still surprised they could sing all my lyrics in English.
The main purpose was to celebrate and promote Teengenerate’s 20th anniversary. Teengenerate; Japan’s premiere punk band named themselves after a song I wrote and are being honored with concerts, a tribute record (kingrecords.co.jp) and a documentary – get-action.net! Thanks so much to Koji and Masao for bringing me over.
Here’s a picture of me with Fink and Fifi from Teengenerate: